Cloud CFO

Roadmap and development | One Single Version of the Truth


Synapse solves the problem of ad hoc spreadsheet for group management and forecasting by automating report production and immediately reducing operational costs whilst improving data quality. Cloud CFO connects customer spreadsheets to our cloud service, automating cutting and pasting work in the background with advanced database technology. This technology was developed in conjunction with UK government R&D SMART and Innovate grants and collaboration with the University of Leicester.

We are always striving to improve and extend the functionality of our primary software, develop new products and research novel techniques in the storage, processing and analysis of financial data. Here we explore areas of ongoing research projects and some of our product roadmap.

Cloud CFO for Xero

Cloud CFO for Xero builds upon the existing infrastructure of Cloud CFO, offering Xero users a seamlessly integrated powerful solution for

  • creating management reports including Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Cashflow and Accounts Payable and Receivable
  • forecasting, budgeting and producing comparatives
After creating an account, data will be automatically imported and reports defined so that a user can immediately generate historical numbers
  • Thereafter users can update mappings and report layouts through a simple interface
  • Import data through a direct Xero link
  • Forecast and budget using Cloud Forecaster
  • View and customise dashboards in Power BI

Cloud CFO for Xero

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Financial Risk Modelling

This Power BI module is pre-connected to the Cloud CFO database and comes with pre-defined templates such as Covenant Templates and multiple other Financial Ratios of interest to stakeholders.

FRM connects to the Clearview database to retrieve Non-financial data e.g. Risk and KPI so that reporting is based on a single version of the truth which is always up to the minute - 'no assembly required'.

These non-Financial data increasingly need to be seen by auditors to be documented and have processes in place that prove this e.g.: Risk Controls should have owners and a documented review history.

FRM is therefore the one place to go to get the single version of the truth that unifies Financial and non-Financial data with a contextually intuitive drill down by any time period or dimension.

Clearview Financial Risk System

CFRS is a UK Government Innovate funded project that will enable stakeholders of any organisation who analyse current and historic financial data to discover Key Risk Indicators of fraud or financial weakness by developing leading-edge technology that embraces machine intelligence and semantic web query. Machine
learning is used to analyse millions of accounts filed in online repositories and determine KRI patterns from these data to establish, generate and patent models which predict financial challenges.

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